[extropy-chat] Why I am No Longer a Libertarian Either...
David Lubkin
extropy at unreasonable.com
Wed Jul 27 02:20:30 UTC 2005
Mike Lorrey wrote:
>The only places you find republicans on faculties these days is in
>engineering departments. FIRE's website covers this issue quite well
>(and for a group founded by liberals, they are very fair and objective,
>primarily as they stick to one issue, free speech, religiously... they
>don't let their personal political opinions color how they judge
>university treatment of political or other speech depending on who is
>being gored.).
FIRE (www.thefire.org) is emphatically and pointedly *not* an organization
founded by liberals. Or, more correctly, not *just* by liberals. Their
board of directors and marquee supporters are equal-parts Big Name
liberals, Big Name conservatives, and Big Name libertarians. Consider David
Brudnoy, Alan Dershowitz, Nat Hentoff, Roy Innis, Ed Meese, Virginia
Postrel, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Nadine Strossen.
Their unified and pan-ideological support of a true marketplace of ideas on
campus and their high effectiveness in practice make them one of my
favorite organizations to support and acclaim.
-- David Lubkin.
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