[extropy-chat] Why I am No Longer a Libertarian Either...
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 29 22:35:36 UTC 2005
--- Jeff Davis <jrd1415 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- The Avantguardian <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > ...Illegals use
> > public facilities paid for by tax-payers while
> they
> > themselves do not pay taxes. ...
> This is a point I've often wondered about. Mssr.
> LaForge makes his assertion, but is it grounded in
> fact or is he just making it up? That is, Stuart,
> is
> it something you **know** to be true or just
> something
> you **suppose** to be true?
> My question is: how many employers of illegals take
> out witholding, etc, and how many illegals file tax
> returns and get refunds? do they pay or don't they?
> People who object to illegals, citing the burden of
> providing them social services, seem not to be
> inclined to mention the crucial contribution of the
> work that they do, and the cost benefit to all
> derived
> from the lower wages they receive.
> All those evil nannies, gardeners, and Chinese
> Restaurant kitchen help. Flippin terrorists if you
> ask me! And those jihadi taxi drivers! Just more
> wogs
> trainin' to be suicide car bombers, you'll see.
Well for starters I had a friend get into a car
accident with an illegal. The illegal had no driver's
license, no registration, and no insurance. Yet this
illegal was using roads and highways that California
and federal taxes went to create. My friend did not
carry uninsured motorist coverage so he got shafted
and essentially had to eat his car. They both had
medical bills but since the illegal didn't have a
legal residence to send them to, I doubt he paid them.
So guess who paid for the illegal's bills?
I am not saying that all illegals are terrorists, but
they ARE a burden on an already heavily taxed state
that is one of a few states that get back far less in
federal aid than we pay in taxes.
Look I have nothing against the illegals that mow
people's lawns and nanny their kids. But they all tend
to work for individuals. Those individuals are
commiting a crime and should be punished.
The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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