[extropy-chat] Frozen water ice found by ESA Mars Express on Mars.
Bret Kulakovich
bret at bonfireproductions.com
Sat Jul 30 15:01:44 UTC 2005
You hit on two very important points here, Jeff.
First is - obviously there is some interpreting going on of the image
- I think the lower image further down the page might be a little
more accurate to the real. I also looked at the histogram of the raw
data (ok, of the image format of the raw data, yes, another degree of
separation) and found that it was offset/compressed a little to one
side. This means the full range of light to dark was not expressed as
it may and probably would be. This brings me to point two.
At the distance of Mars, there is substantially less light, Jupiter
and Saturn even less. The images we see are being "pushed" into our
range of brightness. The colors for Mars and the other planets are
probably near correct (unless intentionally false-colored which
should be indicated), but every planet is always shown to us as if it
were illuminated at a distance from the sun equal to Earths. If we
were actually in Jupiter's orbit, for example, it would be much, much
darker than the pictures we've seen. Assuming you are using your
human eyes of course.
On Jul 30, 2005, at 3:58 AM, Jeff Davis wrote:
> --- Bret Kulakovich <bret at bonfireproductions.com>
> wrote:
>> Beautiful. It's just beautiful.
>> Enjoy the frosty Hi-rez goodness.
> Stunning, absolutely.
> Just a little question.
> The data was collected with the High Resolution Stereo
> Camera (HRSC), or so the text states, which I'm
> guessing makes three dimensional measurements (ie
> surface contour measurements) possible.
> The text says:
> "The colours are very close to natural, but the
> vertical relief is exaggerated three times."
> So it's not really a photograph in the usual sense,
> but rather a computer "revised" image" where the
> "apparent" relief has been made to seem three times
> what it really is, right?
> Beautiful, nearly the right colors, but not what you
> would see if you were looking at it, ya? Not reality,
> but sort of reality? Partly not real? In an orderly,
> intending-to-enhance sort of way?
> Best, Jeff Davis
> "Everything's hard till you know how to do it."
> Ray Charles
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