[extropy-chat] Frozen water ice found by ESA Mars Express on Mars.
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 30 16:14:41 UTC 2005
--- Bret Kulakovich <bret at bonfireproductions.com> wrote:
> At the distance of Mars, there is substantially less light, Jupiter
> and Saturn even less. The images we see are being "pushed" into our
> range of brightness.
Mars, at opposition, is only about 40 million miles away, which is
about 40% further from the Sun than Earth (at 93 million miles).
Sunlight at Earths surface is 40% LESS than in Low Earth Orbit because
of the thickness of our atmosphere (orbital solar flux in the visible
range is over 1.4 kw/m^2, sea level solar flux is about 1.0 kw/m^2). As
Mars' atmosphere is quite thin, only about 6 millibars, it does not
attenuate Mars orbit solar flux by a significant percent. Therefore it
follows that the brightness of sunlight on the surface of Mars is
relatively close to that on the surface of Earth.
You are otherwise correct vis a vis Jupiter and Saturn.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
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