[extropy-chat] The future of pizza delivery?

Adrian Tymes wingcat at pacbell.net
Sat Jun 4 21:43:34 UTC 2005

--- "kevinfreels.com" <kevin at kevinfreels.com> wrote:
> Have any of you seen this?
> http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/pizzacall

Problem: economics.  Businesses are ultimately all about satisfying
the customer to make a profit; intrusively anti-consumer behavior
tends to take out the business (as the RIAA and MPAA are finding out
the hard way).  Casual knowledge of a customer's travel and retail
purchases, for example, would not appreciably help a pizza delivery
service but would turn customers off so much that it'd be uneconomic
to have their agents have access to that info.  Health insurance
agencies that pressure food providers into compliance would find their
insured base going to food providers to small to be worth pressuring -
or just switching agencies if possible - and the food providers that
might cave in would find themselves losing business to their
unpressured competition.  (Not that this drive towards small business
instead of large national chains would necessarily be a bad thing in
all cases.)  And so forth.

They might well have a database of the customer's addresses and phone
numbers.  But most such places one already do that to streamline future
repeat business - storing information that the customer provided

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