[extropy-chat] Abortion (was: Famous author self destructs in public!Filmateleven.

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 6 19:25:15 UTC 2005

--- MB <mbb386 at main.nc.us> wrote:

> AFAICT, Mr. Lorrey is claiming that *abortion* is murder. Once a
> woman is pregnant she'd d*mn well better *stay* pregnant full term,
> she's
> a murderer.  I haven't seen much about the responsibility of the man
> in all this, perhaps he has none? Only later The Law might make him
> pay - which isn't right as it's the woman's fault, job,
> responsibility
> ... (no, he didn't actually say that, but his "tone of voice"
> certainly implied that to me)

In complete ignorance of other 'tones' I've taken. Considering that men
are already convicted of murder and other homicide charges if they
cause a woman to abort without her permission, it is quite clear that
the men are being held to a far higher responsibility standard, and
always have, than the women.

The stats support me: studies of domestic violence show that twice as
many female partners as male believe striking their partner is okay,
and have done so in the past, yet ten times as many males are convicted
of domestic violence. The disparity of responsibility is in the
numbers, which cannot be disputed.

> Our opinions are opposed and I do not expect either of us to change.
> His posts have made me wonder what happened in his life. Maybe he is
> a very devout Christian with deeply held beliefs about "the human
> soul"?
> Or perhaps he was involved with an unexpected/unwanted pregnancy that
> was terminated without his knowledge or against his wishes?
> Otherwise, I'm at a bit of a loss to understand where he's coming
> from.
> What exactly makes a bundle of cells into "a person"? How much does
> that interesting set of pictures of the embryo differ from those of a
> dog or a cat or a monkey - or any other mammal?

If a fetus can survive outside the womb at 6 months (and many thousands
do every day in this country), then third trimester abortion should be
murder. Even Roe v. Wade agrees with me on this point, so if anybody is
being extremist and hyperbolic, it is you, Samantha, and company, not

No, I've not had any religious epiphanies of any sort, as much as you'd
like there to be one. What I have crossed is a threshold. I've been
willing up until recently to tolerate the libertarian majority opinion
(certainly not unanimous to any sort of degree) regarding abortion, the
war, and a few other issues which the vehement squeaky wheels have been
ranting for years that theirs is 'the only position' a libertarian can

The problem is that this ranting left wing of the party has come to
take for granted that their rhetoric is true. They denounce some of us
as 'neo-libertarians', despite the fact that people of our persuation
have been libertarians going back decades, we just haven't been in the
shreiking wing.

Your opinion isn't on issues like this are NOT the default opinions for
libertarians. ANY time there is an issue of one persons rights versus
anothers, libertarians should be very circumspect to examine all sides
and seek to resolve conflicts, not just side orthodoxically with one
party in the conflict.

> If Mr. Lorrey's attitude and words are representative of The Free
> State, I'm *awfully* glad I and my family didn't commit to moving
> there.

That is a cheap shot. BTW: How is the Christian Exodus going down your way?

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
                                      -William Pitt (1759-1806) 
Blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com

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