[extropy-chat] IQ vs Uploads (was: what to do)
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 13 06:16:39 UTC 2005
--- Robin Hanson <rhanson at gmu.edu> wrote:
> What most needs analysis are changes that are not
> captured in existing
> trends. IQ has been increasing and that has had
> effects for a long time.
> So all of the existing trend-based analysis already
> captures a big
> similar effect. The effects of the upload
> transition are not, however,
> much captured in existing trends.
Hey Robin,
This is a facinating topic. Why don't you analyze and
compare the Flynn Effect with Moore's Law? I don't
know about the shape of Flynn's I.Q. curve vs. time
but if it is exponential rather than linear then it
opens up a very cool possibility. Since Moore's law is
exponential then it might come down to a race between
the Flynn effect vs. Moore's Law to see who/what will
dominate in years ahead: A.I. or the minds that CREATE
If the rate constant for the Flynn effect is
higher than for Moore's Law then no matter how fast
computers and software advance the human mind might be
able to keep pace or even lead. I mean after all, Deep
Blue might have beat Kasporov but who would you invite
to a cocktail party?
The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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