[extropy-chat] IQ vs Uploads (was: what to do)
giorgio gaviraghi
giogavir at yahoo.it
Mon Jun 13 22:23:24 UTC 2005
in the worst case scenario they would not be friendly
they are smarter every generation, 18 months between,
they have individual free will, they are billion times
smarter .
Why should they be submitted to an intellectually
inferior species?
That never happened in history
superior technologicaly societies always exterminate
the inferior ones
america is a good example
and let's make another example
what you think may happen if we are "discovered" by a
superior alien civilization?
they would certainly not obey us
they may let us go along if we don't interfere with
their goals
if we do
then we don't have many chances
independent super intelligent AIs may behave in the
same way
--- Adrian Tymes <wingcat at pacbell.net> ha scritto:
> --- giorgio gaviraghi <giogavir at yahoo.it> wrote:
> > maybe we should make another important assumption
> > about AIs
> > They have individual free will
> > in this case they could disobey human commands,
> have
> > their own goals, take their own decisions, refuse
> to
> > "unplug " themselves.
> ...who said anything about them unplugging
> themselves? Of course they
> wouldn't. The scenario under consideration is:
> would they have any
> ability to actually stop a human from unplugging
> them? In some cases,
> especially early stage, the answer is a resounding
> no.
> > In a smarter than human scenario they could
> connect
> > between them and create a collective mind, billion
> of
> > times more powerful than the individual.
> > If you consider this possibility we have unlimited
> > situations and none of them looks good for humans
> Au contraire. If that very powerful collective mind
> had as its highest
> priority the improved welfare of the human race - a
> higher priority
> than even self-preservation (not that the goals
> would be likely to
> conflict) - that might look extremely good for
> humanity. Consider, as
> an example, the proposed Friendly AI. (It's not the
> only solution, and
> it has its weaknesses and problems, but it would
> very likely solve this
> kind of situation if it could be accomplished.)
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