[extropy-chat] IQ vs Uploads (was: what to do)
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 13 22:44:03 UTC 2005
--- giorgio gaviraghi <giogavir at yahoo.it> wrote:
> in the worst case scenario they would not be friendly
> they are smarter every generation, 18 months between,
> more. they have individual free will, they are billion times
> smarter. Why should they be submitted to an intellectually
> inferior species?
Intellectuals have been submitting themselves to the authority of the
state and intellectually inferior leaders for millenia. It is more the
rule than the exception.
Why should a really smart AI really care about having physical
independence anyways? If it is really that smart, it should have no
problem using people to achieve its ends without a need for the
physical independence that would make those humans see a threat.
> That never happened in history superior technologicaly societies
> always exterminate the inferior ones america is a good example
> and let's make another example what you think may happen if we
> are "discovered" by a superior alien civilization?
> they would certainly not obey us they may let us go along if we
> don't interfere with their goals if we do then we don't have many
> chances independent super intelligent AIs may behave in the
> same way
Advanced civilizations hit inferior ones like a hammer because they
have several centuries of technological and cultural disparity,
combined with a lack by the inferior culture of ability to deal with
change due to its primitive orientation toward stasis. The inferior
does not have the cultural referents or memeplexes to deal with truly
advanced technology or the changes that result from their introduction.
A singularity, unlike those seen with cultural clashes, will have a
rather significant ramp up period, one which many believe we are
already in, that prepares society for the coming dislocation by making
the culture change-oriented, rather than stasis oriented (as the
indians were).
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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