[extropy-chat] Film Documentary: British Producer/Director Interviewing Teenagers on Future
Natasha Vita-More
natasha at natasha.cc
Fri Jun 17 12:07:35 UTC 2005
At 08:59 PM 6/16/2005, Keith wrote:
>But I doubt many raised in transhumanist households think much about it.
Why do you think teenagers would not think about the future, live extension
and living past 100?
From my meager experience teaching in High School, social sciences covered
current social conditions and living longer is a topic that is, in fact,
being discussed today. Further, I lectured at a the Milken Community High
School in Los Angeles specifically to discuss living longer and cryonics.
Many high schools have programs for health awareness and economics. Some
have investing programs, which contain studies on retirement and how to
prepare for the future.
It would be highly unlikely for teenagers not to consider health and living
longer, also since it is often the topic of their teenager magazines.
<http://www.natasha.cc/>Natasha <http://www.natasha.cc/>Vita-More
Cultural Strategist, Designer
Studies of the Future, University of Houston
President, <http://www.extropy.org/>Extropy Institute
Founder, <http://www.transhumanist.biz/>Transhumanist Arts & Culture
Knowledge is the most democratic source of power. Alvin Toffler
Random acts of kindness... Anne Herbet
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