[extropy-chat] Re: Iraq and legality again
Brian Lee
brian_a_lee at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 23 18:10:44 UTC 2005
I think it's just international law which is "mythical and magical". You
can't have law unless it is formed by a sovereign entity and enforced. What
we currently have is like contract law. And you can't break contracts if
they were never mutually agreed upon.
>From: Samantha Atkins <sjatkins at mac.com>
>To: ExI chat list <extropy-chat at lists.extropy.org>
>Subject: Re: [extropy-chat] Re: Iraq and legality again
>Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2005 10:32:01 -0700
>If law becomes "mythical and magical" or worse then we are lost. The
>biggest brute force rules, for a time.
>But I see the point that its legality is not particularly the point now.
>The point in my view is that we went there based on lies, had grossly
>incorrect notions of how it would go, have lost more money and lives to
>chicanery and greed, and we will continue to lose in most every way as
>long as we hang on to the tar baby. We are apparently acting like fools
>making decisions on the basis of sunk costs and sentimentality.
>Me? I would throw some arbitrary amount of money in for the Iraqis
>possibly under oversight of the UN to patch the country back together and
>get the hell out. Say $50 billion or so. Of course if I really
>believed peak oil is far too real and that the shit was about to hit the
>fan in energy and various other ways then I would hang on to my position
>there no matter how broken in its reasons or current results.
>- s
>On Jun 23, 2005, at 8:58 AM, John K Clark wrote:
>>"Brett Paatsch" <bpaatsch at bigpond.net.au>
>>>would be *very* interested in seeing the best possible argument from the
>>>American side, indeed from the Bush administration, that it was legal
>>>amateur hour stuff but the real thing from a lawyer or legally savvy
>>>person who knows the case)
>>Well.. to each their own, but personally I would not find an argument
>>the legality of the Iraq war the least bit interesting. As it turned out
>>war was indeed wrong, but not because it violated some mystical and
>>thing called international law, it was wrong because it was incorrect,
>>Iraqi people did not treat the Americans as liberators and all the war
>>was solve a problem that turned out not to be a problem at all, Weapons
>>Mass Destruction. As for International "Law" (really international
>>suggestions) and the war's legality, who cares.
>> John K Clark
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