[extropy-chat] destroying gardens?
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 25 18:45:20 UTC 2005
--- Keith Henson <hkhenson at rogers.com> wrote:
> At 08:32 AM 25/06/05 -0700, Mike Lorrey wrote:
> >Primarily Mugabe wants to force these shantytowners out to use them
> to
> >force out more of the white farmers that remain.
> Perhaps I should spell out the larger question.
> Why do humans periodically kill large numbers of other humans?
> If you consider the period length and the exception cases you will be
> half way to the answer.
I have on occasion commented on how Europe, with its feudal traditions
of no right of the citizenry to keep and bear arms, being peaceful for
periods of time (though ridden with rampant property crime) until it
erupts in combat and genocidal frenzy. The US, and North America in
general, with its greater freedoms, higher murder rate and lower
property crime rates, saw no such eruptions of mass violence and
The 19th century, though, saw the ongoing conflict between US westward
expansion and native american resistance, refusal to assimilate, and
insurgency. As europe dumped its refuse populations upon US shores, the
need for land forced the westward expansion out of necessity.
War, crime, and other mass maladies, are the result of population
pressure and lack of individual liberty. Having enough space for
everyone to be truly free on their own land, free of force and
manipulation by outside groups, is a key requirement for peace and
justice. When enough people feel they are oppressed, either by their
own government, or by a foreign government or population, they will
rise up to make their demands heard.
In Zimbabwe, you have a problem where white settlers occupied much of
the best farmland, where Cecil Rhodes and his bunch disregarded land
claims of the previous occupants, herding them into work camps or into
the cities, where they were free to overpopulate and become exposed to
revolutionary ideology.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.
It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
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