[extropy-chat] computer chess again

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Tue Jun 28 03:15:33 UTC 2005

Friends, 2005 will go down in history as the year when 
computers demonstrated a final and convincing dominance 
of humans in chess.  Kasparov lost a match against IBMs
Deep Blue ten years ago, but the top humans were equal 
to the machines until this week.  

A six game match between Englishman Michael Adams
and Hydra ended up in 5 wins for the computer and one


After seeing how convincingly Hydra spanked Adams in
the match, and looking in particular at games 4 and 6, 
I am now firmly convinced that Hydra can easily defeat 
the other humans at the top of the heap.


(ooooooh this is soooo cool.)  {8-]

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