Meta: Too far Re: [extropy-chat] Re: Iraq and legality again
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at
Wed Jun 29 07:06:18 UTC 2005
--- Hubert Mania <humania at> wrote:
> Well, I tried to come up with a reply. But again I
> deleted four drafts. Just
> this:
> I experienced the war on Iraq as a severe caesura.
> Up to that point I
> enjoyed discussions about trancending the biological
> restrictions of
> mankind. The war changed everything. Supposedly
> smart people outed
> themselves as coolhearted revanchists and believed
> the lies they were told.
> Worst of all was and is the US patriotism, one of
> the major drives and
> forces behind. In this special respect, the cultural
> gap between the USA and
> Germany is not reconcilable. I simply cannot grasp
> it.
Yeah but your grandfather and father sure could. You
are like the child that burns its hand on a stove and
thereafter lives in hatred of fire. The lesson that
you should have l
> I am still filled with indignation to read a post
> like the recent one from
> Mike Lorrey where he callously calculates the
> "losses" in Iraq, fools around
> with big numbers and tries to convince us that
> killing some people today
> might result in better living tomorrow. Dear
> extropes: A man like him with
> his political aspirations is a big threat to your
> noble case. He might be
> able to pile up loads of informations to impress
> your innocent hungry
> intellect, but the force behind it is a totalitarian
> one and reveals the
> sheer ugliness of utilitarianism. It is a threat to
> your physical and
> spiritual health and your freedom. And if a man like
> Stuart LaForge
> elaborates on the kindness (sic!) of US soldiers on
> battlefields all over
> the world, everything else he might contribute to
> this list, is in my
> opinion reduced to a pile of shit. Period.
> Since the beginning of the war on Iraq I have
> acquired a bad reputation as a
> person who only seems to use dirty word and insult
> people. I do not regret a
> single post and pledge for the right of *not*
> writing in a civil tone, while
> others cold heartedly and verbosely support the
> killing of innocent people
> 10.000 miles away from their home. This movement is
> a dead duck, if you
> allow false patriotism as a source of territorial
> pissings to be prolonged
> into potential eternity in a future transhuman
> society. At least, this is
> not *my* vision of transhumanism. Get a little more
> Un-American!
> Love and Peace
> humania
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The Avantguardian
Stuart LaForge
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