[extropy-chat] Re: Meta: Too far
Joseph Bloch
jbloch at humanenhancement.com
Thu Jun 30 00:39:43 UTC 2005
Samantha Atkins wrote:
> On Jun 29, 2005, at 4:00 PM, Joseph Bloch wrote:
>> Now, that being said, I think there is a WORLD of difference between
>> forcing unarmed Communist party officials to dig their own graves
>> for summary execution in 1943, and US Marines firing at Iraqi
>> soldiers who are armed with machine guns, tanks, and RPGs (or
>> terrorists armed with machine guns, suicide bomb-vests, and RPGs).
>> And if any of my European (or any other, for that matter) friends
>> cannot see that distinction, then I mourn for the loss of any sort
>> of substantive communication between us.
> Do you believe this in the only type of people our military forces
> are firing at, bombing and so on?
Intentionally? Absolutely. Are there going to be unavoidable collateral
casualties? Equally absolutely. Especially in a situation where parsing
the enemy from the friendlies from the neutrals is ten times harder
because the enemy deliberately tries to disguise itself as the latter
(in contravention of the Geneva Convention which gets tossed about so
glibly by the anti-American folks, I might add).
But to bring a little perspective into the conversation, compare the
non-combatant deaths in Iraq (or Panama, for that matter) with those in
World War II. The United States, in modern warfare, goes to extremes of
care NOT to inflict collateral damage that would have seemed the height
of absurdity to the men who planned the fire-bombing of Dresden and the
dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
If we were really possessed of the mind-set the America-bashers (and I
employ the term loosely, knowing full well it will generate viceral
reaction) claim, then we would have carpet-bombed Iraq from the outset,
with no thought to the civilian toll. And yet what did we do instead? We
were so surgical and meticulous in our attacks that Saddam Hussein
himself was even given to say, in custody:
"America, they dumb. They bomb wrong palace."
If we were the indiscriminate barbarians some portray us as, there would
not have been ANY "palaces" remaining after the first three days of the
air campaign. Or precious little else.
So yes, Samantha, I DO believe that the United States military has shown
a level of restraint unheard-of in modern history in its conduct of the
war in Iraq, and it should be lauded for doing so. I do believe that it
makes every effort to target only those who are trying to kill us. Does
it sometimes get it wrong? Of course. But do you blame the military who
is trying to be so precise, or the enemy who is deliberately hiding in
the homes of innocent people, disguising themselves as noncombatants,
and infiltrating Iraqi installations posing as friendly forces?
You need to reassess where the blame for innocent deaths lies, Samantha.
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