[extropy-chat] DESIGN: WTC New Architecture
Joseph Bloch
jbloch at humanenhancement.com
Thu Jun 30 00:58:52 UTC 2005
Do you have a PayPal account? I'd like to wire you some money so you can
buy a sense of humor.
The Avantguardian wrote:
>--- Joseph Bloch <jbloch at humanenhancement.com> wrote:
>>Personally, I prefer Donald Trump's idea to simply
>>remake the towers,
>>off the old footprints, one storey taller. (And, as
>>more than one wag
>>has put it, with surface-to-air missiles installed
>>on the observation deck.)
>I don't really think that surface to air missiles on a
>building in a crowded area like Manhattan would be all
>that great of an idea. Yeah, the people in the
>building would be safe, but a burning fully fueled jet
>liner crashing anywhere in Manhattan would have been a
>The Avantguardian
>Stuart LaForge
>alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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