[extropy-chat] unidirectional thrust

Keith Henson hkhenson at rogers.com
Tue Mar 15 14:46:47 UTC 2005

At 05:00 PM 14/03/05 -0800, Mike Lorrey wrote:


>Your false assumption is in thinking that I or anyone else is claiming
>it does more work than it uses in energy. It is not an overunity
>device, nobody but you ever claimed it was, and given this
>misunderstanding, your opinion is suspect.

I don't hold any opinion so strongly that a good argument or better, 
experimental evidence, won't get me to change my mind.

I think something like this would be very cool, not to mention extremely 

I am not even welded to conservation of energy if anyone figures out how to 
get around it.

But if the device works as you indicate, how does it sense 
velocity?  Obviously you could get a lot more power out of a device going 
like a bat out of hell than one moving slowly.  So for higher velocities 
does it take more power to operate at constant thrust?  And in what 
reference frame?

Best wishes,

Keith Henson

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