[extropy-chat] Non-classic logics

Technotranscendence neptune at superlink.net
Mon Mar 28 12:34:09 UTC 2005

On Monday, March 28, 2005 3:07 AM Ian Goddard iamgoddard at yahoo.com
>> In algebra (or algebra of operators)
>> there is something called non-distributivity:
>> (AxBxC) =/= Ax(BxC) =/= (AxB)xC.
>> (Non-distributivity is different from
>> non-commutativity).
> I'm not sure what you mean. If by 'x' you mean the
> multiplication operator, then what you're showing is
> not true. Using '*' for multiplication, it is the case
> that
> (a*b*c) = a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c
> because multiplication is associative. It's also
> commutative
> a*b*c = b*c*a = c*a*b

Try that with matrices in general and you'll find they're

Also, one can set up arbitrary algebras where any of these rules fail in
the general case.  That's why there are algebras that're not
commutative -- with matrix algebra as a special case -- and ones that
are not associative -- such as Cayley algebras.

>> Is there a non-standard logic reproducing,
>> somehow, a property like this?
> Some classic-logic operators such as AND (&) and OR
> (v) like multiplication are also commutative and
> associative such that (where '::' indicates that the
> lefthand statement can be replaced without a loss of
> meaning by the righthand statement and visa versa):
> P & Q & R  ::  Q & R & P
> P v Q v R  ::  R v P v Q
> P & (Q & R)  ::  (P & Q) & R
> P v (Q v R)  ::  (P v Q) v R
> There are also distributive properties:
> P & (Q v R)  ::  (P & Q) v (P & R)
> P v (Q & R)  ::  (P v Q) & (P v R)
> and for the IF-THEN operator '->' here:
> P -> (Q v R)  ::  (P -> Q) v (P -> R)
> P -> (Q & R)  ::  (P -> Q) & (P -> R)

Modal operators might be an example where commutativity fails.  L~P is
not the same as ~LP -- where L stands for the "It is necessarily the
case that..."  Ditto for M~P and ~MP -- where M stands for "It is
possibly the case that..."

With classical propositional logic (cpl), wouldn't the same be true for
~ and distribution?  ~(P & Q) is not the same as (~P) & (~Q) -- think of
the case where the truth value of P does not equal the truth value of Q,
assuming bivalent logic.  In that case, the former statement is true
while the latter is false.


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