[extropy-chat] Aging as a function of bone marrow degradation

Lifespan Pharma Inc/ MFJ-CTO megao at sasktel.net
Thu Nov 10 07:50:38 UTC 2005

But that's the challenge, to switch every body cell on as a totipotent 
cancer cell similtaneously, slow down the metabolism so
none divides,   circulate a swarm of autoimmune cells to tag defective 
cells for future destruction, reset all the switches
, crank up the metabolism and send in the scavenger cells to wack out 
the burned out cells and infuse a new batch of stem cells
into every tissue to rebuild tissues.  A massive order, but like with  
"Doctor Who" it is steady state-evolution which will replace
natural selection by death or illness.  The trick is to maintain  the 
memory and consciousness of the brain through this
housecleaning operation.

The Avantguardian wrote:

>--- Jeff Davis <jrd1415 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Which brings me once again to the question: if I
>>extract some of my bone marrow, sort the various
>>progenitor cells, repair, rejuvenate, or immortalize
>>them, culture them to increase their number, and
>>reinject them into my bone marrow, can I rejuvenate
>>"super-rejuvenate" my bone marrow progenitor cell
>>repair/mainteneance capability and thereby achieve a
>>substantial extension of my health and/or lifespan? 
>In answer to your question, yes. Supposing that you
>could somehow rejuvenate the CD34+ positive stem cells
>from your bone marrow, you would undoubtably extend
>your life. Immortalizing them however is a tricky
>proposition, because cellular immortalization without
>tight regulation of growth is called cancer. So from a
>systems point of view, rejuvenating your bone marrow
>and thymus would add many years to your life. The
>whole trick is figuring out HOW to do it without
>causing leukemia. 
>The Avantguardian 
>Stuart LaForge
>alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
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