[extropy-chat] Futures Past--time-line
Lifespan Pharma Inc.
megao at sasktel.net
Mon Oct 10 15:49:51 UTC 2005
> # Kaku: no computer expert, superstring physicist Michio Kaku
> surveyed some 150 scientists in devised a profile of the next century
> and farther. He concludes broadly that from `2020 to 2050, the world
> of computers may well be dominated by invisible, networked computers
> which have the power of artificial intelligence: reason, speech
> recognition, even common sense'.172 In the next century or two, he
> expects humanity to achieve a Type I Kardeshev civilization, with
> planetary governance and technology able to control weather but
> essentially restricted to Earth. Only later, between 800 and 2500
> years farther on, will humanity pass to Type II, with command of the
> entire solar system. Once the consensus dream of science fiction, this
> must now be seen as excessively conservative.
Once the life and death cycle moves from "0-75 or bust" to "0-some
indefinite number+ or bust" the need to make the big off planet moves
may subside and the stay at home development of all the concievable
base technologies can proceed so that we can rapidly and efficiently
colonize the solar system once we have decided on a purpose and long
term plan beyond just
harvesting of raw materials and consuming the goods to further procreate
the species.
The species needs to get a new objective beyond that of the simple
continuing procreation of its genepool.
We cannot remain the simple tribal mentality sociopathic species we are
and portray as continuing in Sci-Fi, star trek etc.
That is one thing that must change on or before the singularity is reached.
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