[extropy-chat] Halliburton gets Katrina Contract
J. Andrew Rogers
andrew at ceruleansystems.com
Sat Sep 3 08:37:41 UTC 2005
On 9/3/05 12:58 AM, "The Avantguardian" <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I think the lady's point is that Halliburton should
> not be (and probably isn't when I think about it) the
> ONLY company that can do it.
Then please, start your own company that can compete with them. There are
several large companies that routinely get the business of the government
because they have no realistic competitors in a number of sectors of
expertise for large scale projects. Halliburton is one of those companies.
Lockheed-Martin is another. You and I don't have to like it, that is just
the way it is. And when they do have competitors, it is usually some other
"evil" company that is synonymous with conspiracy theories anyway.
As I've pointed out in the past, it is not just the US government that uses
Halliburton. A good number of the world's governments have hired
Halliburton at one time or another to do what they do. They have
competitors, but none that have the ability to handle really large projects
to the extent Halliburton can.
I really don't give a crap if Halliburton gets another contract, nor do I
think they are a particularly excellent company. I just think it is
ludicrous that everyone questions the selection of Halliburton for contracts
when there are no other viable competitors in the field more often than not.
Don't whine about it, offer a genuinely viable alternative. If you think
you can do better, there is a mountain of gold in them thar hills to be had.
Armchair quarterbacking and all that.
J. Andrew Rogers
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