[extropy-chat] Re: Ethics and evolution
neptune at superlink.net
Mon Sep 5 03:56:43 UTC 2005
On Sunday, September 04, 2005 9:56 PM spike spike66 at comcast.net wrote:
>> In this case, too, by "selling" the view, might not
>> Spike be bringing a lot of bad consequences on
>> himself? After all, if he reinforces wrong views
>> and then these same people, e.g., support bad
>> policies doesn't that, ultimately, hurt him? Yes,
>> he might make a quick buck now, but what about
>> the wider implications. The world has enough
>> foolish ideas in it already, why add to the mess?:)
> Hmmm, this seems a little extreme.
Just giving you my opinion on the matter. How are you going to make the
world a better place?
> What I had in mind is to put some farm land to work
> producing fuel crops, stuff that can be converted to
> ethanol or biodiesel. To make it pay, I would need
> to collect subsidies on it, or at least take full
> advantage of the tax breaks that may be available.
Subsidies would be a form of theft, no?
> I don't feel that subsidizing that kind of stuff is a
> good idea, but hey, I could be wrong. I might have
> been wrong about freon: they tell me the ozone hole
> is decreasing. I never did see how human use of freon
> could have that much impact, but perhaps it did. I
> had a job in the early 90s phasing out freon in
> aerospace manufacturing processes, so in that sense
> I was cashing in on something I thought was bogus. But
> perhaps it wasn't so I suppose farming fuel crops today
> is analogous.
I've heard about that too, but the data on the ozone hole seems
ambiguous. However, in that case, were you knowingly lying to people
about it or just saying, "Well, they pay me to convert these systems,
but I really think it's a crock."?
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