[extropy-chat] Extropy and libertarianism
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 8 12:18:19 UTC 2005
--- Hal Finney <hal at finney.org> wrote:
> I can't account for the beliefs people have that this version of the
> Principles of Extropy has turned away from libertarianism or is
> somehow inconsistent with that philosophy. To me, the philosophy of
> non-coercion is such a fundamental and pervasive part of the
> foundations of Extropian thinking that it is hard to imagine how
> people could see it otherwise.
The criticism is generally regarding a softening of terms and mealy
mouthing. Getting rid of 'dynamic optimism' for 'pragmatic optimism',
and the like.
The real 'watering down' is the degree to which policies endorsed by
ExI or advocated by other transhumanist groups (such as supporting
corporate welfare subsidies for stem cell research) which do not hold
to the extropian principles (such as WTA) and hold anti-libertarian
leadership (such as a certain well known socialist) or policies (such
as pro-borg agendas), and hold their annual conferences in nations
controlled by fasco-socialist thugs (Venezuela).
Such people forget that some policies we advocate were once advocated
by socialist/centralist statists before, and as a result were totally
discredited when those statists naturally were corrupted by power and
committed greivous wrongs as a result. Technologies we advocate can
only pass ethical muster if they are strictly in the control of
individuals who use them for their own benefit, and not by states or
other organizations.
Furthermore, the claim to hold to the principles, which as you amply
demonstrated are quite plainly libertarian in meaning and intent, which
is contradicted by the weasle word denial of Extropy being libertarian
in a mealy mouthed attempt to appeal to a broader base of membership
among those with an aversion to liberty, is a 'watering down' that is
semantically no different from the Klan claiming it is no longer
racist, or various socialist parties claiming they are no longer
You only gain respect by standing strongly for what you believe,
stating what you believe, and sticking to it, not let the marxists,
socialists, and other infiltrators dilute or divert your intent with
their entryist tactics.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
Founder, Constitution Park Foundation:
Personal/political blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com
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