[extropy-chat] FWD [forteana] After New Orleans

Terry W. Colvin fortean1 at mindspring.com
Fri Sep 9 02:29:17 UTC 2005

[What a twit!  He sounds like a socialist gone mad.  These artsy fartsy
folks just don't get it.  The best defense is a good offense.  -Terry]

[sorry for the crossposting of this one... since I have some fairly
specific predictions towards the end, I wanted to get it out on
record... /t]

1. the lead up

Two EMS paramedics and their experiences in New Orleans.

Forwarded to me by many sources.  There has been some independent fact
checking on this story and it's all come up positive (the authors
exist, are who they say they are, were in New Orleans and did write
this story).

Words fail me.

This next video is very harsh.  Ms. Neville is extremely intelligent
and well-spoken and this really hurts.


Charmaine Neville [windows media] is the daughter of Charles Neville
of the Neville Bros.
posted by quonsar 07 September | 12:45

I'm still crying with despair and pity and God help us all, shaking
with helpless rage.

'That night, at the White House, Bush met with congressional leaders
of both parties, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urged Bush to
fire Brown. "Why would I do that?" the president replied. "Because of
all that went wrong, of all that didn't go right last week," she
explained. To which he answered, "What didn't go right?"'

That these insane criminals rule the country is already beyond belief.
 That about half of all Americans apparently think Bush is doing a
good job (but three quarters of them think he should be working on
*lowering gas prices*) makes me feel I'm in a country filled with

2. predictions

I fear the shit is really going to hit the fan, and soon.
-- al Qaeda clearly wishes to strike again at some point.  
-- the resistance movement in Iraq is about ready for a "Tet
offensive" to cause serious damage to the (distracted by mutinies!) US
-- I'm less familiar with the war in Afghanistan but I'll bet they'd
like to get some headlines too.
-- China wishes to take Taiwan and doesn't care about headlines.
-- there are many other evil forces that want to take on the United
States now that it has moved to the dark side.

and September 11 approaches.

If I were one of these parties and I had a nefarious scheme hatched,
I'd be racing to get it going just at the point where the US's
resources are most tied up with disaster recovery -- Sunday, September
11.  I'd hit people at a vacation center or some similar relaxation
place -- they've already made people feel unsafe at work, why not make
them feel unsafe at play?

If I were bold I'd hit the Patriot Day parade in DC.  (Did you know
9/11 is now called Patriot Day?)

And once ONE of those fuckers pops off, it's a great time for another
one to pop off too.  Say there were another terrorist attack in the
US.  That'd be a perfect signal for a huge assault on demoralized,
distracted US troops in Iraq -- what about suicide bombers with planes
full of explosives onto barracks?

Or, nerve gas?  Why not, we know the US makes this shit and we know
that they don't take good care of their stock of weapons of mass
destruction (Hey, was anyone else surprised when the anthrax in the
attack turned out to be US "weapons-grade" anthrax?  Who knew we had
"weapons-grade anthrax" just lying around? Use of germs as warfare is
considered a "crime against humanity," y'know...)

Or nerve gas could be used in the US.  Spraying or otherwise putting a
lot of nerve gas into a Six Flags Amusement Park or Disneyland/world
could result in thousands of horrible fatalities and dreadful injuries
-- think of the images, they'd be almost as memorable as the World
Trade Center getting hit.  Sprawled comic book figures lying beside
dead children....

The 9/11 terrorists knew about nerve gas, they'd talked about renting
crop dusters.  (One of the amazing pieces of luck we've had so far is
that in the current war against terror is that there hasn't been one
really clever terrorist.  There are SO many clever ways to do people
in en masse, methods that would almost certainly wreak havoc the first
time and still be hard to defend against the second time.  I deleted a
description of one really simple reliable plausible nerve gas delivery
system using early 20th century technology, there are a thousand other
possibilities. Be glad I'm on the good guys' side!)

Ladies and gentlemen, we are in a very frightening position.  

There is a madman in the White House.  In four years, he's managed to
turn much of the rest of the world sour on the United States and made
more than a few mortal enemies.  As a direct consequence of his
madness, Americans are dying right now in Afghanistan, Iraq and New

New Orleans showed America's enemies that our four years of "Homeland
Security" buildup was a fraud -- that we've spent hundreds of billions
of dollars that we don't have on jackbooted thugs who aren't making
honest Americans one whit safer.  These enemies will feel empowered to
strike, and soon.  And each new attack makes the next attack more

The question is this -- would Bush, if pushed into a corner by
multiple attackers, really push the button?

But, is that not his dream, the Apocalypse?  Isn't that what
Christians ARE anticipating with great joy:  the Rapture, Armageddon? 
Rice told her church to prepare for Christ's imminent arrival just a
few days ago!

Let us pray that reason will somehow ring out at the end of this, that
perhaps our elected Representatives who wish their children to live
will rise up, or that our senior Generals (who are career officers who
have experienced war) would refuse the fatal commands from an
obviously mad President.

Or that Chaney has a heart attack and Bush's cognitive disorders get
so bad that he can't speak in public any more and he has to retire in
favour of some non-entity and we lose Taiwan and Iraq but it's OK, not
EVERYONE dies, and there are trials and a lot of people go to jail and
a reform President (Howard Dean!!!) is elected in 2008 and we can make
peace in the world and start trying to adapt as best we can to a
changing environment (and hopefully figure out ways to reverse the
damage we are causing!)


"Only a zit on the wart on the heinie of progress." Copyright 1992, Frank Rice

Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < fortean1 at mindspring.com >
     Alternate: < fortean1 at msn.com >
Home Page: < http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/8958/index.html >
Sites: * Fortean Times * Mystic's Haven * TLCB *
      U.S. Message Text Formatting (USMTF) Program
Member: Thailand-Laos-Cambodia Brotherhood (TLCB) Mailing List
   TLCB Web Site: < http://www.tlc-brotherhood.org > [Southeast Asia
veterans, Allies, CIA/NSA, and "steenkeen" contractors are welcome.]

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