[extropy-chat] Sheiks and sex (was OIL: Albertan tar sands)

Mike Lorrey mlorrey at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 16 14:52:35 UTC 2005

--- The Avantguardian <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> --- Mike Lorrey <mlorrey at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Well, $30/bbl production cost American oil certainly
> > isn't quite the
> > same as $2/bbl production cost Saudi oil. On the
> > plus side most of that
> > $30 is going into the bank accounts of Americans and
> > not being
> > profligately squandered by Saudi sheiks with too
> > much theology and not
> > enough motivation to get a life.
> The sheiks can't have too much theology because that
> theology is one of the pillars that support their
> power. The whole point of Mohammedist theocracy is
> that Mohammed was both a prophet of Allah AND a
> secular ruler, so the distinction between the two
> roles of religion and state is highly intertwined and
> integrated in Muslim society.

Kinda the point of what I'm saying. If they can't afford to keep buying
off the people, much less fund scion like bin Laden, they are going to
need to reform lest their house of cards collapse.

> If anyone has too much theology, it is those Islamic
> men who are not sheiks and don't have tons of oil
> money, 4 wives, and 50 concubines. Those are the guys
> who have no life, which is why they can focus their
> sexual frustration into acts of suicidal
> mass-destruction. Thus the sheiks are the "winners" of
> Muslim sexual politics, the wankers are "martyrs" (a
> win-win situation if you believe in Paradise), and the
> big "losers" are the masses of kept women who are
> treated like chattel and have to compete with each
> other for the attentions of their husband. Obviously
> this is a wonderful system . . . if you are a sheik.

You still need to break the power of the rulers to effect change, or at
least put a good wind up their backs.

Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
Founder, Constitution Park Foundation:
Personal/political blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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