[extropy-chat] Bloke No; Baby Yes
Mike Lorrey
mlorrey at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 26 15:04:25 UTC 2005
--- Olga Bourlin <fauxever at sprynet.com> wrote:
> From: "Emlyn" <emlynoregan at gmail.com>
> > http://alphamom.com/
> > Oops, I had a bit of a look at the site, and it seems innocuous
> enough. I read an article about the founder (in an Oz magazine on
> dead trees
> only I'm afraid) which was incredibly scathing about her and the
> alphamoms
> in general. Her philosophy (and the philosophy of Alphamom, at least
> to
> begin with) seemed to be that parenting is essentially a management
> discipline. She has a son, but luckily she can afford a nanny, a
> night
> nurse, and somebody else (I forget... housekeeper I think) all
> working long
> hours. Apparently she works one hundred hours per week on Alphamom.
> Her
> hubby, her son's Dad, works similar hours doing whatever he does.
> > I just can't figure out where the parenting is in all of that.
> I think making a living for someone else's benefit - sustaining a
> household - qualifies as parenting to some large degree.
Would that the divorced women of the world felt the same way, usually
such behavior IS the primary grounds for divorce.
> Who knows whether certain people who work long hours don't have the
> best weekends (relaxed, nurturing, educational, fun, being filled
> with good memories?) with their children?
Not possible. If someone works 100 hours a week, they have to be
working at least one weekend day as well to reach that number. Assuming
a minimum 5 hours sleep, two hours minimum on cleaning, dressing,
driving, eating, that leaves 17 per day max to work. 5 days x 17 = 85,
meaning they work at least 15 hours on the weekend as well. Anybody who
works 100 hours a week definitively does not have time for kids or to
be ANY sort of parent.
> Also, IMO it is good for children to observe a more egalitarian
> society -
> both parents working, and perhaps even providing a living for other
> people.
You are assuming that they see their kids at all. Assuming they are
being responsible parents, their kids are getting 8 hours of sleep a
day minimum, they will never see their kids but on rare occasions, and
only for fleeting moments.
Mike Lorrey
Vice-Chair, 2nd District, Libertarian Party of NH
Founder, Constitution Park Foundation:
Personal/political blog: http://intlib.blogspot.com
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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