[extropy-chat] Your children are safe with us...

Robert Bradbury robert.bradbury at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 15:46:12 UTC 2006

Straight from the NY Times article on the congressional testimony regarding
internet child pornography [1]...

"U.S. Official Is Arrested

MIAMI, April 4 (AP) — The deputy press secretary for the Department of
Homeland Security<http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/organizations/h/homeland_security_department/index.html?inline=nyt-org>
was arrested on Tuesday and accused of using the Internet to seduce someone
he thought was a teenage girl, the authorities said.

According to the sheriff's office in Polk County, Fla., where the charges
were issued, the official, Brian J. Doyle, 55, of Silver Spring, Md., had a
sexually explicit conversation with a person he believed was a 14-year-old
girl whose profile he had seen on the Internet. In reality, the sheriff's
office said, Mr. Doyle was talking with an undercover sheriff's detective."
I am ROTFL.  The *deputy press secretary* -- "Oh, yes Mr. J. Q. Public, we
assure you that you are safe from being blown up by a bomb or infected with
ebola.  We are also actively implementing a variety of solutions to other
hazards that terrorists are anticipated to be considering.  We do however
have this one, ahhh... minor problem, with preventing our staff members from
wanting to fiddle with your children."

If I didn't have better things to do I'd go online pretending to be a 12
year old and work at entraping the "zealots"(?) who are working at
entrapping the people who are seducing the children.  What better online
role can one imagine than suckering the suckers? In case you haven't noticed
it the media are playing one-upping each other broadcasting shows where they
have enticed X number of people to come to an entrapment house ostensibly
for the purpose of engaging in illegal acts with minors.

Gee, before our current society made up laws about certain things it was
presumably proper, perhaps even necessary for the survival of the species,
for teenagers, or perhaps teenagers and adults to "get it goin on".  One
didn't spread across the entire globe as small bands of migrating humans
(subject to random hazards which might eliminate "proper" breeding partners)
and not have situations develop where behaviors deemed "improper" today were
absolutely necessary.


1. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/05/washington/05porn.html?pagewanted=print
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