[extropy-chat] META: mailing list problems was [Re: Bainbridg today...]
Robert Bradbury
robert.bradbury at gmail.com
Mon Aug 21 01:32:12 UTC 2006
On 8/20/06, spike <spike66 at comcast.net> wrote:
> It might be Keith's server somehow doing that. I noticed that Keith's ExI
> posts were getting caught in my spam filter. I set my filter to
> automatically always send anything by Keith to my inbox. If he takes up
> internet sales, he could spam my brains out.
No spike, that isn't it. If people are citing (replying to) messages
from Keith then *they* almost certainly received the email from the
ExI-Chat list server -- but you have a messed up server if only some
fraction of the people on the list are sent the incoming messages.
The fact that *you* are citing me as:
> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Robert Bradbury
says that the list may be bouncing messages from me as well. That
should not be the case as I only think I've sent 3 or 4 messages
recently (unless the list has the maximum message per day cranked down
to some really low number).
Or have we got a really dumb mailer that thinks that the way to keep
people from "over-replying" is that they don't get to receive mail if
they have exceeded the message posting frequency maximum? (I.e. the
mailer not only sidelines your incoming messages but refuses to send
you any outgoing messages either -- but that doesn't make sense since
I received the messages citing Keith's message just not Keith's
original message).
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