[extropy-chat] Protect ourselves to prevent a return to the middle ages

ben benboc at lineone.net
Wed Feb 8 20:35:44 UTC 2006

"Mehran" <mehranraeli at comcast.net> foamed at the mouth:

> Protect ourselves to prevent a return to the middle ages
> <huge rant>

Wow, i don't think i've ever had such mixed feelings about such a
heavy-duty rant. On one hand, this IS obviously foaming at the mouth 
(and from a self-confessed raelian!), but on the other, a lot of the 
things presented are, afaik, true. I think this is a cue to find some 
things out for myself. I knew about the apostasy thing, which is bad 
enough, but some of the others?
Do present-day muslims really think that it's right and proper to beat 
women that they suspect might not obey them?

Of course, if you read the old testament you'll get a lot of dodgy stuff
as well, but who actually lives by that?

Maybe it's time to hit the bookshop and stock up on islamic holy books 
(now /there's/ something i never thought i'd ever say!)


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