[extropy-chat] Protect ourselves to prevent a return to the middle ages

Al Brooks kerry_prez at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 11 22:53:12 UTC 2006

I fought when I was young, but now I don't want to fight anymore. 
  And what gives anyone the right to want to volunteer me for hazardous duty? Would you like it if someone wanted to volunteer one of your family members for dangerous duty?: your 25 year old son isn't taking enough risks, let's encourage him to write an article insulting radical Islamics-- or better yet, encourage him to pen a cartoon. And if, say, the sports car he likes so much should be trashed in retaliation, well it is just too bad.

  I must disagree with that attitude, Al.

A live coward is not necessarily better than a dead brave-heart, if the 
live coward has given up everything that makes his life worth living.

Or more to the point, if you roll over now, you abbrogate the right to 
complain when the Caliphate declares that life extension technology, 
performance enhancements, freedom of conscience, and everything else 
that defines Transhumanism is "offensive" and thus it becomes 
impermissable. They've already got it within the Muslim lands. Now 
they're trying to make it so everywhere.

If you don't fight now, you won't have the chance to fight later.
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