[extropy-chat] Protect ourselves to prevent a return to the middle ages

Keith Henson hkhenson at rogers.com
Sun Feb 12 04:40:32 UTC 2006

At 10:51 AM 2/12/2006 +1100, Brett Paatsch wrote:

>In my considered opinion, the absolute highest extropian
>principle must be open society underpinned by the rule
>of law - and that means global law. That means developing
>the law. Refining the law and upholding the law. Law with
>checks and balances and with no one excluded from its
>protection or excluded from the obligation to uphold the
>law whilst residing on planet earth.

While I agree with the sentiments, let me point out two problems.

Law requires rationality.

In the memetic ecosystem on the run up to war, rationality is darn near 
shut off.  This has to do with the way populations were controlled by wars 
in the stone age.  I mean going out to try to kill all the males in the 
next tribe with rocks is about a 50/50 risk of getting killed yourself.

That's *not* rational from you own view even if you genes have built you to 
find it is a good idea (because your death may allow others with your genes 
to live on instead of dying).

Second is a personal thing about corrupted legal systems to enforce 
laws.  I am a fugitive from a cult that enlisted the DA and the courts.  I 
can go into more detail if you want, but law has a long way to go before I 
will trust it.

Keith Henson

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