[extropy-chat] FWD [fantasticreality] Nice Summary of Problems of the self-denoted "Cultural Elites"

MB mbb386 at main.nc.us
Sun Jul 23 14:30:40 UTC 2006

> Well,  it seems to me that we can't both be for diversity, especially
> the radical diversity of individual freedom, and bemoan differences,
> even large ones, as dangerous and to be avoided.    We cannot, it seems
> to me, both have the freedom to augment and change at will and stay true
> to some homogenized egalitarian ideal.

Since I've not read that second book I must not answer to its criticisms. What I
read in The Bell Curve final chapters, about what they saw and were concerned about
for the future, was that the population was splitting into two distinct groups that
did not overlap nor did they even have much to do with each other in everyday life.
And that one group appeared to be getting the upper hand in all ways so that there
would end up being two populations, one rich and well travelled and politically
empowered, and the other of everybody else - who would be poor and stuck and
politically nowhere. The Bell Curve warned against this, saying that one of the
strengths of the US had always been in the diverse groups of people living all mixed
up throughout the country: wealthy and poor, smart and not, powerful and not. With
*no group* powerful enough to squash completely any other.

> The real problem with "military service" is that it in assumed everyone
> owes such "service" first of all and then that this "service" is poured
> down the toilet of pointless military adventures such an Iraq.   I will
> cheer each and every person regardless of purported class who manages to
> avoid having their precious life put at risk in so asinine and perverse
> a conflict.

As far as military service goes I hate the very idea that we should be throwing so
many of our young into such a sewer. Parents spend 18 years trying to civilize the
young and then have the state take them and toss them into such a debacle as the
Middle East.

We could be spending our money and time developing ways to be free of that
dependency on oil....


ps. As for "fixing" other countries, I'm not at all sure it can be done. Sorry to be
so down, maybe when I've had more coffee and some breakfast I'll feel more positive!

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