[extropy-chat] NEF tensor (was Psychogenic Fields)
The Avantguardian
avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 3 23:29:01 UTC 2006
--- Amara Graps <amara at amara.com> wrote:
> <avantguardian2020 at yahoo.com>:
> >Well my original intent was simply to
> mathematically
> >abstract it as a tensor field which are routinely
> used
> >to model things which are not true "force fields"
> like
> >fluid vortexes and what not.
I meant vortices.
> I didn't read all of this thread, but the above
> paragraph made
> my head hurt. The way you are using these physics
> terms does not
> make sense.
Sorry. This is why I wish I had more formal physics-
math background than I do. I think you may be over
complicating things. In this case by tensor field I
mean simply a position specific "bundle of vectors"
namely E(x,y,z) and B(x,y,z).
> Charges make an electric field (Ex, Ey, Ez); field
> lines originate on
> positive charges and terminate on negative charges.
> Moving charges create electric currents.
> Currents generate magnetic fields: (Bx,By,Bz)
> The electric field is a special vector function
> whose curl is always
> zero.
> A field tensor has 4x4=16 components. To describe
> the
> electrodynamic (magnetic+electric) field is:
> F01 - Ex/c
> F02 = Ey/c
> F03 = Ez/c
> F12 = Bz
> F31 = By
> F23 = Bx
> ...
> Written as an array, the field tensor is:
> 0 Ex/c Ey/c Ez/c
> Ey/c 0 Bz -By
> -Ey/c -Bz 0 Bx
> -Ez/c By -Bx 0
Correct. Now at any given instant in time, the
elements of the above matrix will take on a unique set
of specific numerical values at different points in
space around the brain. Now if we could measure those
specific values at each point for thousands of such
points in parallel (e.g with a "helmet" consisting of
thousands of miniture SQUIDs shielded from external
magnetic sources ) and store them on a hard-drive,
then we would have a high resolution map of my
unfortunately named psychogenic field.
Perhaps people will like the name "nuero-electric
field" or NEF better.
In my above example the SQUIDs would only measure B
but since we can derive E from B and vice-versa, it
should not matter. In any case the NEF is simply a
huge array of field tensors stored on a computer that
may correlate to specific quales experienced by the
test subject while he was wearing the SQUID helmet.
I have no equations to offer you and I am not
suggesting that non-trivial analytic solutions to the
NEF tensor exist. Although as a trivial solution, I
would expect for a dead person, the tensor matrix will
be filled with zeros.
Stuart LaForge
alt email: stuart"AT"ucla.edu
"What I am going to tell you about is what we teach our physics students in the third or fourth year of graduate school... It is my task to convince you not to turn away because you don't understand it. You see my physics students don't understand it... That is because I don't understand it. Nobody does." - Richard Feynman on QM
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