[extropy-chat] AAAS conference on retrocausation
scerir at libero.it
Wed Jun 28 19:39:07 UTC 2006
> Damien B.:
> > That is Birgit Dopfer, PhD Thesis (title unavailable), U. Innsbruck
> > (1998), discussed by R. Jensen, in Proceedings of STAIF 2006, AIP
> > Conf. Proc. 813, 1409-1414 (2006).
> This famous, huge paper is online, in German.
> http://www.quantum.univie.ac.at/publications/thesis/
> The 'orthodox' interpretation by Zeilinger of Dopfer's
> experiment seems (to me, and also others) good, but not perfect.
> http://www.quantum.univie.ac.at/publications/pdffiles/1999-03.pdf
> He does not seem able to explain certain supposed 'advanced'
> effects. In example, how the outcome of Dopfer's experiment
> in one of the wings (here on Earth) depends on the setting
> of the (very delayed choice) experiment in the other wing
> (on Alpha Centauri).
I think I have now that paper (pdf) by Raymond Jensen.
I did not read it carefully, but it seems he is
pointing out the same (supposed) fallacy in Zeilinger's
If anyone is interested I can send that pdf.
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