[extropy-chat] Fictional Singularity Movie
Damien Broderick
thespike at satx.rr.com
Wed Oct 18 00:01:42 UTC 2006
At 07:29 PM 10/17/2006 -0400, S wrote:
> >> I think
> >> Ray Kurzweil would be a good candidate for writing the screenplay
Or wait--maybe Arnie Schwarzenegger?
>It would have to be someone who is, first and foremost, skilled in the art of
>storytelling while also being an expert on the Singularity. Perhaps
>a better and
>faster approach to this would be to do a screenplay adaptation of
>the best and
>currently available novel about the Singularity.
Novels are rarely useful as the basis for a movie; they are too long
and complicated. A novella is what you need, or an informed original
screenplay. Wil McCarthy is currently writing some scripts for the
SciFi Channel, and would be a fine candidate. His BLOOM is a
remarkable nanocalypse novel, and some of his more recent novels have
remarkable visualization of near-Singularity technology and cultural
adaptations (THE COLLAPSIUM, from 2000, and its sequels).
John Barnes' MOTHER OF STORMS (1994) was an impressive
self-bootstrapping Singularity novel. Poul Anderson's GENESIS (2000).
Obviously Charlie Stross's linked stories in ACCELERANDO (2005) and
GLASSHOUSE (2006) might serve. Or even, you know, SINGULARITY SKY
(2003), although that's not quite right despite the title.
Since hardly anyone here seems to have heard of my own Singularity
fiction, I'll simply mention
perhaps the most accessible for a mass audience: THE HUNGER OF TIME
(with Rory Barnes, 2003)
Damien Broderick
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