[ExI] xmas songs again 2

spike spike66 at att.net
Mon Dec 10 04:50:11 UTC 2007

It isn't just the seasonal songs, but also the long stale traditional
stories that invite ridicule.  For instance, consider the Dickens classic
that I need not even name.  Marley is sent to warn Scrooge of his evil ways.
But when one thinks about it, the wrong lesson is easily inferred.  Marley's
accent gets transformed to proper Oxfordian (otherwise it he would have been
all: Eh mon, eets Chreestmaahss!) and loses the dreadlocks, but a worse fate
could be easily imagined.  Marley can float around apparently weightlessly
like something out of second life, pass thru walls, he gets to haunt stingy
old bastards who are still alive, likely all his buddies from down at the
Tory club.  The warning would be ineffective.  It just doesn't sound like
half bad duty to me.


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