[ExI] Transhumanism and Space Exploration, with Talmon Firestone

George Dvorsky george at betterhumans.com
Mon Dec 17 19:08:27 UTC 2007

The Toronto Transhumanist Association is hosting a new event:
Transhumanism and Space Exploration, with Talmon Firestone
(be sure to join the TTA Facebook group:

Date: Saturday, January 12, 2008
Time:	5:00pm - 7:00pm
Location: Centre for Inquiry Ontario
Street:	 216 Beverley St.
City/Town: Toronto, ON

Event Description:
 - NASA and the advent of cybernetics (Clynes and Kline)
- why is space so inhospitable and dangerous to humans?
- what have we done to date to help humans work in space
(e.g.space-suits, zero-g bathrooms, etc.)
A look at the kinds of modifications that might be required for humans
to properly adapt to space (cybernetic, genetic, etc)

- why do we need humans in space? why can't robots do these tasks?
- how can we help humans work in space without having to modify them?
- in which ways could we modify humans to help them live, work and
thrive in space (genetic, cybernetic, etc.)
- what are some of the more radical possibilities for enhancement?
- should we re-engineer humans to help them adapt to different
environments and not just space (ie Mars)?
- why are we poorly adapted to Mars and how could we be modified to
help us live there?

Talmon is currently the Vice President of NSD-Fusion GmbH.
(www.nsd-fusion.com) The company is developing IEC Fusion reactors to
address various terrestrial markets as both Neutron and Proton
Generators. Several space applications are envisioned for later
development. He completed his Bachelor of Commerce at Ryerson
University, his Master of Science in Space Studies at the
International Space University in Strasbourg, France. During his
graduate studies he interned at the X Prize Foundation, Los Angeles
office, under Dr. Peter Diamandis. He often speaks at universities and
conferences on both the topic of his business and more generally on
entrepreneurship in the space industry. Talmon has also been a
practitioner of the martial arts for over a decade and has been
studying gymnastics for almost two years.

Hope to see you there!
George Dvorsky
President, Toronto Transhumanist Association

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