[ExI] Article on Aubrey de Grey in July/August 2007 AARP Magazine

Olga Bourlin fauxever at sprynet.com
Thu Jun 21 00:25:47 UTC 2007

The article is called "Long-distance Living"  (only the listing in the TOC 
is on the  AARP Magazine site, but not the article).

The article tried to be fair (i.e., tried for some journalistic integrity) 
at the beginning ... but in the end, it slid off into stuff like:

"As University of Michigan biologist Richard Miller, M.D., Ph.D., put it in 
a letter published last year; 'learning to do what Aubrey claims possible is 
a good idea.'  But Miller would like him to solve another complex problem: 
'how to make pigs fly.'"

"What I want to know is this:  who the hell would want to live that long? 

"Yale surgery professor Sherwin Nuland, M.D., writing in Technology Review, 
worries that Aubrey's plan would 'destroy us in attempting to preserve us," 
by undermining 'what is means to be human.'"

"Aubrey is not a godless man:  'I'm a happy agnostic - and I'm doing the 
work of the Scriptures,'" he adds, as if responding to those who accuse him 
of playing [g]od."

And at the very end, the author's note:  "Frequent contributor Mark Matousek 
has no interest in living to past 110."



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