[ExI] Avoiding Coarseness in our Dialogs

Anders Sandberg asa at nada.kth.se
Thu May 3 16:57:45 UTC 2007

Damien Broderick wrote:
> The slightly farcical aspect here is that Lee was the one who
> introduced the foul epithet "----".  I was shocked, shocked I say.

What is the problem of good old (excuse my french) &/#(¤, $£%* or ¬&£€+?
When I was a kid I made up my own foul words, which allowed me to swear in
polite company.

Dialogs is all about communication, and just as one should not waste ink
or time on useless words there is seldom a need for strengthening
curse-words. "Fuck" and "quite" can often be removed from a text with no
loss of meaning.

Anders Sandberg,
Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics
Philosophy Faculty of Oxford University

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