[ExI] how would Transhumanists cope if the Singularity did not happen in their lifetime?

Russell Wallace russell.wallace at gmail.com
Tue May 15 12:30:37 UTC 2007

On 5/15/07, Eugen Leitl <eugen at leitl.org> wrote:
> No, it isn't. Read the original paper.

I'm well aware of what the original paper said. My point stands: if
increased integration density didn't result in increased performance, nobody
would bother referring to that paper, let alone enshrining said reference in
the vernacular.

Computer performance, as measured in benchmarks, does not result
> in linear semi-log plot.

Yes it does.

Case in point: the difference between CPU speed, as measured
> by benchmarks, and memory bandwidth, as measured by benchmarks,
> is a linear semi-log plot.
> But you knew that already.

Well yes. And each of the components are (approximately) linear semi-log. As
is RAM capacity. As is disk capacity. As is the bandwidth of a fixed amount
of memory (as it migrates from disk to RAM to cache - a steeper semi-log
than the bandwidth of main memory). Stepping back, we see it's actually a
pyramid, with disk at the base and registers at the peak; the height of the
peak (speed of operation on registers), the width of the base (disk
capacity) and the width of the second layer (RAM) are all best approximated
as linear semi-log.
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