[ExI] A Transhumanist Terrorist Manifesto

Andres Colon andres at neuralgrid.net
Tue May 15 20:52:26 UTC 2007

> kevin.osborne wrote:
> Well, no. Fuck you and your 'congress'. You are talking about a nation
> state I do not reside in, am not a member of and whose authority over
> my life I repudiate.

I know what it is like to have authority forced on you. I live on one of the
few remaining colonies in our modern world, stamped property of the world's
only remaining superpower. I understand how it feels like being denied the
rights to your freedom and sovereignty.

I am eager and hungry to expand beyond the borders, false limits and
boundaries that others see on the world. The world needs positive change and
the best way to achieve it and make it _last_ is for each of us to start
doing positive things and help bring positive awareness to our cause.
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