[ExI] Unfriendly AI is a mistaken idea

Russell Wallace russell.wallace at gmail.com
Sun May 27 19:08:51 UTC 2007

On 5/27/07, John K Clark <jonkc at att.net> wrote:
> If we do not become our tools our tools will go on without us.

By "becoming our tools" do you mean something like uploading, increasing
integration of capabilities, so that humanity ultimately becomes a race of
superintelligent beings? If so, I think that's a fine idea and I hope
something along those lines ultimately comes to pass.

So I take it that you have changed your mind and concede that a friendly AI
> is self willed.

I've changed my mind and conceded that friendly and unfriendly AI are both
completely infeasible, so I've switched my attention to the sort of "smarter
tools than we have now" software that it might be possible to build in our
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