[ExI] Unfriendly AI is a mistaken idea

Brent Allsop brent.allsop at comcast.net
Sun May 27 23:23:51 UTC 2007


 > This is just like the discussion that John Clark and I are having.

I've figured this, but you guys have so much history in your personal 
conversations, and references to so much that most of us have missed, 
that it is really hard to follow.

All you guys have such brilliant and progressive ideas in all these 
discussions, they could truly change the world!  The only problem is, 
all these glorious ideas and gained insights are all rotting in the 
impenetrable, non summarized and disorganized archives.  In addition to 
the great conversations, people should also be working to summarize the 
results of these conversation in powerfully organized, prioritized and 
historically accessible ways.  Then we will finally be able make some 
progress and move the world rather than wallowing in the same old 
primitive conversation over and over again.

> Actually, it looks better than I thought it would.

Oh yee of little faith. ;) You ain't seen nothin' yet!


Brent Allsop

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