[ExI] language patch

spike spike66 at comcast.net
Mon May 28 00:05:06 UTC 2007

>Oh yee of little faith. ;) ...Brent Allsop...

We can fix this.  In English, the term "you" is both singular and plural,
which is a bad thing.  Various dialects have attempted to designate you
plural with terms such as youse, you guys, youse guys, y'all, allayas, and
so forth.  You plural should just be ye.  But not Brent's yee, for everyone
older than about 45 will start quoting Crazy Guggenheim (yee yee yee...) and
drive us nuts with that.  So at the risk of sounding Amishish (assuming
Amishish means "like an Amish person") I propose that henceforth, ye = many
of you.

 What say ye?

ye olde spike

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