[ExI] Abandon all services

Jef Allbright jef at jefallbright.net
Sat Nov 10 17:31:23 UTC 2007

On 11/9/07, PJ Manney <pjmanney at gmail.com> wrote:

> However, this begs an interesting question: do people in this group
> feel they are more or less travelled than others in their demographic
> population?  Does seeing 'the big picture' and thinking about the
> future more than others mean we're more or less mobile or is there no
> correlation and the idea is irrelevant?

I don't know the actual distribution of travelers on the extropy list,
but I do think that travel and broader thinking are positively

One of my goals, and to some extent Lizbeth's, is to enjoy an
increasingly mobile lifestyle, while maintaining effective access to
business, friends, other contacts, personal media library,
intellectual/cultural/entertainment resources, etc.  I'm thinking in
terms of full-fledged techno-nomadism, while Lizbeth says she might be
persuaded, key concern being the desire to maintain roots, a place to
come back to and call home.  To me, home is just a state of mind.

- Jef

- Jef

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