[ExI] zmm: quest for the holy honda

spike spike66 at att.net
Tue Nov 13 04:16:59 UTC 2007

> bounces at lists.extropy.org] On Behalf Of Max More
> Subject: Re: [ExI] zmm: quest for the holy honda
> At 09:31 PM 11/11/2007, Spike wrote:
> >ps Is Max More out there?  Isn't he a professor of philosophy?  If so, he
> >surely would have studied ZMM and perhaps has some enlightening
> commentary,
> >ja?
> I'm not Max More, but I've been known to play him on TV...
> I read ZMM many years ago, so my memories are quite dusty. I do
> recall that, although I quite enjoyed it, it didn't excite me at all
> philosophically... Max

I did some research and learned that National Geographic did an article on
Robert Pirsig soon after the publication of his book in April of 1974.  They
had a picture of him with the bike.  I zoomed in on that photo and saw that
it had Minnesota plates with a then-current 1974 endorsement.  A goggle
search led me to find a professor of physics from South Carolina who has
been corresponding with Pirsig up to as recently as a few weeks ago.

Turns out ZMM book ended in San Francisco but that isn't where the ride
ended.  He mentioned while in Montana that he planned to sell the bike in
SF, but that isn't what happened.  He and Chris ended up riding the bike
down to Hollywood to visit friends, then rode the pitifully inadequate
device all the way back up to Minneapolis.  Pirsig still owns the bike to
this day.  Its actual condition is unknown.  

The physics professor mentioned to RP the possibility of arranging a museum
display including the holy honda.  While dealing with all the other
inquiries, Pirsig conspicuously ignored the question.  So I don't know where
we are on that, but the professor and I are working together on some ideas.

John and Sylvia Southerland's R60 beemer has been located.  The current
owner knows what he has and what it is worth.  He is taking meticulous care
of the machine, knowing that it and the holy honda are both likely to be on
the list of the 100 most valuable motorcycles on the planet.


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