[ExI] Doubts and gas chambers

Stefano Vaj stefano.vaj at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 21:52:08 UTC 2007

On 10/9/07, John K Clark <jonkc at att.net> wrote:
> So you also think you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Americans
> were involved in the 911 mass murder. You realize I hope that if you can
> really do that then you can send someone to the gas chamber.
> But no doubt the proof is similar to the one about my attribution "error".
> And that's what makes this crap not only idiotic but scary.

No, my point is that more than a reasonable doubt exists that the
official version is not "the truth, all the truth, nothing but the
truth", which is exactly the opposite.

But let us stop that here, unless you can find some H+ connection.

Stefano Vaj

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