[ExI] How to get a healthy country

hkhenson hkhenson at rogers.com
Tue Oct 16 21:54:08 UTC 2007

At 11:55 AM 10/16/2007, David Lubkin wrote:


>The press release from WHO doesn't say where they got the numbers
>from that the report was based on. I suspect that, particularly for a
>country like Cuba, WHO relies on numbers provided to them from the
>government. I further suspect that Cuba is lying wildly in any such
>reporting, given the nature and history of the regime there and the
>known monumental distortions, exaggerations, and fabrications of
>similar regimes. (There is no famine in Ukraine. There are no gays in
>Iran. These are not the drones you're looking for.)

Droids.  :-)


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