[ExI] EP and Peak oil.

John K Clark jonkc at att.net
Wed Apr 2 16:59:28 UTC 2008

"Keith Henson" <hkeithhenson at gmail.com>

> 100 stations [...] That's about 1% of the output of a NJ sized solar 
> panel.

Yes I think you're right, I must have screwed up a couple of decimal points,
sorry. But even using your figures that's over 2 square kilometers of solar
panel per gas station, not very encouraging.

> Now look at this from using power sats, which get from 3 to 10 times as
> much sunlight per square meter.

In space yes, but the microwave energy density on the ground would be
less than sunlight. I know rectennas are more efficient than solar cells
but I still find that figure discouraging. I'm not saying it's imposable, it
might even be practical, but I wouldn't want to stake my entire future
on it. I want a plan B.

 John K Clark

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