[ExI] EP and Peak oil.
hkhenson at rogers.com
Tue Apr 8 19:22:36 UTC 2008
At 08:38 AM 4/6/2008, spike wrote:
>Thanks John, but I didn't write that about breeders. I have intentionally
>avoided posting anything about the topic ever since doing some calcs on
>Keith's notion of using fairly common neutron sources to separate plutonium.
It's more like making plutonium 239 out of depleted uranium without
making any plutonium 240. Sources where you can steal a hundred
grams of neutrons aren't that common, but every power reactor makes
kilograms of neutrons over a fuel cycle. A hundred grams of neutrons
gives them 24 kg of a better grade Pu 239 than any government ever
produced. That's enough for 4 implosion bombs.
>That was a shock to my system, because I still haven't figured out why that
>wouldn't work. Unless I was sleeping in one of my physics lectures, that
>would work. I never slept in those physics lectures, I loved those things.
It's more combining separation chemistry with the really well known
transmutation of U 238. I figured this out at least a decade
ago. Finally decided it was better to have it in the open than
keeping it to myself, especially after the US scattered DU all over
the mid east. (I was also really pissed about being jailed by a
corrupted government.)
>That being said, I am now calculating the impact of bad guys with plutonium.
>I am still convinced that detonating a nuke is technically difficult,
If they are not constrained by military requirements to make it small
and rugged, i.e., they can use the volume of a shipping container
then there is a really simple path. They need big aluminum
spinnings, half ellipsoids 4 feet deep and about 3.5 feet in
diameter. Easy to make and simple to disguise as reflectors for
stadium lights.
Here is how you make
But that's not the only way. A cnc lathe, a bunch of glued up sticks
and line it with aluminum foil would work. Heck, use a cardboard
guide made with a string and two pins to guide hand turning the
ellipsoidal surface.
Then use two half elipsoids to make an ellipsoidal reflecting
surface. The bad guys put their implosion device with a uniform
shell of some high grade explosive around it at one foci and put 5
pounds of flash powder at the other foci. They can fire the flash
powder with a damned fuse! They do need to be careful about putting
the fuse end in the center of the ball of flash. The pulse of light
from the flash powder takes 8ns to bounce off the polished inside
surface and arrive at the explosive shell. The shell of explosives
may require something to make it more light sensitive, but that's
probably not hard.
So without hydrocodes to design the explosive drivers, or fast
krytron switches or any of the rest of the electronics that make
bombs complicated, they get a uniform spherical detonation. It would
take some work and some testing to get all this right. With a light
sensitive primary explosive on the surface of the sphere, they might
be able to use a xenon strobe light instead of flash powder.
>but a
>dirty bomb is simple. So how much plutonium would it take to mess up a city
There are tens of thousands of tons of it in old reactor fuel
rods. But if you want to know, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernobyl_disaster
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